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The only way to prevent addiction is not to misuse drugs and alcohol. Whether it is a prescription medication used for pain control or anxiety, or an illicit drug, addiction cannot happen if a person does not use the drug. It’s also important to remember that there is no safe level of drug use. For some people, it takes a small amount of the substance to cause long-term addiction and dependence over time.

What can you do, then, to prevent addiction from occurring? At Addiction Recovery Centers, we offer a wide range of resources available to help individuals who are at risk of developing addiction. That includes outpatient treatment programs designed to provide one-on-one care as soon as there is a risk.

Steps to Take to Prevent Substance Use

Whether you are a parent or looking for ways to reduce your own addiction risk, there are numerous steps you can take to minimize the outcome. The key part of that is to be proactive. If you know someone is using drugs, get them to stop now, before addiction forms. Here are a few things that can be done to help minimize the onset of addiction.

#1: Education

Understanding how substance abuse develops is a very important part of this process. This includes educating yourself and others about the risks. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Prescription drugs are not safe for everyone to use, only those for who the prescription is written
  • If you take a prescription drug outside of the requirements set by your doctor, the risk of use is much higher
  • All drugs, including marijuana and alcohol, pose a risk to your health if you use them, even if you do not use a lot of them

Educating about what happens in the brain when a person uses substances is also important. This is an addiction and a disease.

#2: Mental Health Disorder Help

A person with a mental health disorder is at a higher risk of developing addiction than a person that does not have these complications. More so, mental health disorders do not go away on their own. They need treatment through medication and talk therapy. If you suffer from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, or other mental health conditions, getting help for those conditions now can protect your future.

#3: Support

Everyone faces stress. Some people with high levels of stress may be at risk of developing addiction if they lack support to get through those hard times. That includes emotional support for the complications that occur as a result of addiction. Often, growing up in a home where there is a lack of bonding with parents and siblings can also increase these risks.

#4: Know Genetic Risks

Take a few minutes to understand the genetic risks you face. It is likely that a person with a family history of addiction is also at higher risk of developing it. That doesn’t mean it is going to happen. Rather, it means you need to be more dedicated and focused on avoiding the use of alcohol and other substances.

If there is a higher risk for addiction in your life due to genetic factors or the way you grew up, recognize that as a reason to surround yourself with support and monitor your overall health and wellbeing.

#5: Early Use

Children and teens are at a higher risk for developing addiction if they have early exposure to it. Peer pressure is a big part of this, as is a lack of supervision and support from parents. Yet, when a child uses drugs, they are more likely to suffer from dependence and long-term consequences. That’s because the drugs impact their brain more so because it is still developing, limiting its overall growth and development.

Secure Treatment for Addiction Today

If you are already facing the onset of addiction, you are not alone. There is a wide range of ways our team at Addiction Recovery Centers can help you. All you have to do is reach out to us to learn about the options for treatment we can offer. Even if you think you are just at risk for addiction, our drug treatment programs can help you.